Yesterday in Sacramento, STAND! joined with 200+ organizations from across California to rally in defense of survivors. Wondering how you can help? Call or text your local assemblymembers and ask them to sign the budget request letter to ensure that $200M in funding continues to sustain DV survivor programs and services this upcoming fiscal year.
Beginning July 2024, Cal OES is anticipating a reduction to California VOCA Victim Assistance Formula Grant Program of $105,800,000 -$132,100,000 as a result of declines in the federal Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) funding.
VOCA provides funds for an array of critical services and programs that support Californians after they have experienced a crime which includes domestic violence service providers, Rape Crisis Centers, legal assistance and human trafficking services along with other such agencies.
There are only TWO WEEKS LEFT to include these life-changing programs in the state budget! We are calling on our partners and allies to work with our elected representatives to avert any cuts.
What you can do:
Send an email to your legislators asking them to protect crime victim services.
Email your Rep!