1 in 3 Podcast

1 in 3 is a youth led podcast that discusses the ins and outs of Teen Dating Violence. Bay Area students talk about how abuse shows up in young relationships, why it might be hard to leave an abusive relationship, where other teens can find help, and much, much more.

Sign up for Services!

All services are offered in English and Spanish.  In-person and virtual groups available: counseling services, support groups, children’s therapy, parenting groups, BIP or non-violence classes, and anger managmenet groups.

Sign up for Services!

Looking for help with a Domestic Violence Restraining Order? Appointments now available in English and Spanish.

1 in 3 Podcast

1 in 3 is a youth led podcast that discusses the ins and outs of Teen Dating Violence. Bay Area students talk about how abuse shows up in young relationships, why it might be hard to leave an abusive relationship, where other teens can find help, and much, much more.

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Thank you to our 2024-2025 Event Sponsors

Through presentations and trainings with community groups, corporations, local businesses, government agencies, and individuals, STAND! educates our community about the causes, effects, and signs of domestic violence and child abuse.



Celebrating Pride

Celebrating Pride

Pride is a time to celebrate queer joy, to proudly and colorfully take up space, to proclaim that love wins, and that our LGBTQIA+ community is US, has always been here and will continue to grow and thrive.

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